Items Referred by Senate

Board of Governors - APPENDIX IV - April 23, 1998


1. Appointments Procedures - Section O - Director of Libraries

Recommended: Subject to Senate approval (April 17), that the composition of a selection committee for Director of Libraries (Section O, Appointments Procedures) be amended to read as shown below:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Research)
(c) the Dean of Graduate Studies
(d) the Chair of the University Library Council
(e) 2 members of the full-time library staff, one of whom must be a professional librarian, elected by the full-time library staff
(f) 2 members of faculty and 1 graduate student, elected by Senate


During the recent search for a Director of Libraries, the selection committee concluded that there was good reason to ensure that there be a graduate student and representation from the Library staff on the committee.


1. Report of the Subcommittee on Priorities in Academic Development (SUPAD) Academic Development Fund - Category A Grants

The total budget for Category A of the Academic Development Fund in 1998-99 is $1 million. Of this, $133,734 is required to fund the second year of projects given multi-year funding in the 1997-98 competition. The sum available for allocation in 1998 is therefore $866,266.

This year SUPAD reviewed 59 applications for funding under Category A of the ADF, an increase over the previous year when 51 applications were received. Of the 59 applications, 16 were recommended for funding. The total amount requested by these 59 applicants was $4,172,860; of this, $3,230,846 was requested for 1998 99.

As in previous years, SUPAD divided into three sub-groups in order to facilitate the detailed review and preliminary ranking of the applications. The sub-groups and the number of applications within each are

noted below.

		Applications			Funding
		Received	Recommended	Recommended	
  & Psychology	20 		 6		$308,746
Physical and 
Sciences & 
Engineering	29 		 6	 	 395,040
Social Sciences,
  Arts & 
  Humanities	10		 4	 	 121,862
		_____		______		
		59		16	Total:	$825,648
Reports from a total of 108 arm's-length external referees contributed to the assessment of the projects this year.

Applications involving computers were referred to an ad hoc Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services (SCITS) for technical assessment.

SUPAD met twice as a whole to evaluate the applications and related materials. Separate meetings of sub-groups did preliminary evaluations.

The total amount of the awards recommended for 1998-99 is $825,648, excluding recommendations for multi- year projects totalling $49,190 for 1999-2000 and $49,190 for 2000-2001. Details are provided on the attached table (Annex 1).

2. Introduction of a Joint program with Fanshawe College leading to a Three-Year BSc Degree in Physics plus a Diploma in either Electronics Engineering Technology or Control Engineering Technology

Subject to Senate approval (April 17) a joint program in Physics and Electronics will be established between The University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College, leading to a Three-Year BSc Degree in Physics and a Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology or Control Engineering Technology, effective September 1, 1998 and, with one additional semester of study, a second diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology.

3. Annual Report of The University Council on Animal Care

The 1997 Annual Report to Senate from the University Council on Animal Care is attached as Annex 2.

4. Amendment to Policy and Procedures for the Conduct of Research

The Policy and Procedures for the Conduct of Research (Policy 7.0) has been revised to include reference to the requirement that a University review board approve all research, teaching and testing involving human subjects and animals.

6.02 Research with Human and Animal Subjects

Research involving human and animal subjects is governed by federal and provincial regulations, and regulations approved by the University Senate, for the protection of researchers, human subjects, the public, and for the welfare of the animals used in research. Researchers are expected to adhere to such regulations. Allegations of a breach of these regulations will be dealt with according to the procedures established therein and will not normally involve the procedures associated with this policy.

All research involving human subjects conducted by UWO faculty, staff or students must be approved by a UWO-sanctioned review board. Two review boards have been established by Senate for the purpose of reviewing all such research: in the health sciences, and in the humanities/social sciences. Researchers should contact the Ethics Review Board Office for information.

All research, teaching and testing involving animals conducted by UWO faculty, staff, students or post-doctoral fellows must be approved by a UWO-sanctioned review board. The Animal Use Subcommittee has been established by Senate for the purpose of reviewing all such research.

All faculty, staff, students and post-doctoral fellows who are involved with research, teaching and testing using animals are encouraged to take the course offered by the Department of Animal Care and Veterinary Services (ACVS). More information is available from the ACVS.


The last three paragraphs have been added to clarify the role of UWO-sanctioned review boards. Two ethics review boards that report to the Senate Subcommittee on Research Involving Human Subjects (SURIHS) are responsible for reviewing research involving human subjects. Similarly, the Animal Use Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the University Council on Animal Care, reviews protocols for research, teaching and testing involving animals.

5. Annual Report of the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee for the Year 1997-98

See Annex 3 [Not available for the World Wide Web copy].

There were no Sabbatical Leave appeals in 1997-98, and therefore, no Annual Report from the Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee.

6. Administrative Appointments

Richard Ivey School of Business
K. Hardy, Associate Dean, July 1, 1996 - June 30, 2000
L. Wynant, Associate Dean, July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1999

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
W. Sibbald, Assistant Dean - Academic Networks and Clinical Evaluation, February 1, 1998 - January 31, 1999.

Faculty of Social Science
J.M. Olson, Chair, Department of Psychology, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003

Faculty of Science
M.G. Cottam, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, July 1, 1998, June 30, 2003
N.P. Huner, Chair, Department of Plant Sciences, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003
J.F. Jardine, Chair, Department of Mathematics, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003
F.J. Longstaffe, Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2004
J. Millar, Chair, Department of Zoology, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003.

7. Selection Committees

Director, School of Kinesiology:
Provost & Vice-President (Academic): G. Moran
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences: A. Belcastro (Chair)
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: A. Weedon
Elected by the School of Kinesiology: D. Cunningham, C. Hall, D. Miller, D. Semotiuk
Elected by the Faculty Council: I. Connidis, J. Garland, J. Miller-Polgar, B. Kline

Director, School of Nursing
Provost & Vice-President (Academic): G. Moran
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences: A. Belcastro (Chair)
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: A. Weedon
Elected by the School of Nursing: S. Carroll, S. Evans, M. Ford-Gilboe, Y. LaForet-Fliesser
Elected by the Faculty Council: P. Allen, W. Avison, K. McKenna, T. Vandervoort