Applying to Year 3 BMSc

Common Course Policy - Comprehensive Information

See our Document on Common Course Policy for all you need to know about Common Course Policy.

Review the requirements for Admission to the BMSc Program:

Review the requirements for Admission to the BMSc Program:
  • the requirements for Admission to the BMSc Program are located in the Academic Calendar
    • the first section of the webpage in the Academic Calendar specifies the conditions that students in Medical Sciences 2 must satisfy to be assured admission to Year 3 BMSc
    • the second section of the webpage outlines the conditions for students who will be considered for admission to Year 3 BMSc from the competitive pool

Review the 2000-level Admission Requirements for the various modules in Year 3 BMSc:

The 2000-level Admission Requirements for each Honours Specialization, Specialization, and Double Major modules must be completed by the end of Year 2. The Admission Requirements are listed under each module heading in the Academic Calendar and have been compiled into charts below so that you can see all of the modules at once (making it easier to compare the Admission Requirements for the modules):

Get informed about the different modules in the BMSc Program:

  • review information on the BMSc website and in the Academic Calendar about the modules offered in the BMSc Program to determine which modules interest you
  • check out the departmental videos about their disciplines (students and faculty members talk about their programs)
  • check to see that you satisfy the requirements for Admission to The BMSc program
  • check to see that you are completing all of the 2000-level Admission Requirements for the module(s) for which you're submitting an ITR
  • review the maximum capacity and minimum admission averages required to secure a spot in each Honors Specialization module for the past few years
  • ask questions about the impact of your ITR choices

Learn how students are considered for admission to the various Honours Specialization modules in Year 3:

Familiarize yourself with the way in which students are admitted to the various Honours Specialization modules in Year 3 BMSc by reviewing Modules Offered in the BMSc Program (in the Academic Calendar).

Review the maximum capacity and past minimum admission averages for the Honours Specialization modules:

Familiarize yourself with the maximum capacity and the minimum averages that students have required for the past few years to secure a spot in each Honours Specialization module.

Do I need a minimum average of 80% to be admitted to Year 3 BMSc?

If you are in Medical Sciences 2, you are assured a spot in Year 3 BMSc (there are ~ 500 spaces in Year 3 BMSc) if you satisfy certain conditions in Medical Sciences 2 - see Admission to the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) Program. These conditions include achieving a minimum average of 80% on the 2000-level courses listed in the Admission Requirements for the Honors Specialization, Specialization, or Double Major modules to which you apply.

  • if you don't achieve a minimum average of 80% on the 2000-level courses listed in the Admission Requirements for the module to which you apply, you won't be assured one of the 500 spaces in Year 3 BMSc.
  • Don't panic!  If the average on your 2000-level Admission Requirements falls below 80%, you will still be considered for admission to Year 3 BMSc from the "competitive pool", provided your average is at least 75%
    • a minimum average of 75% has been sufficient for admission to Year 3 BMSc for the past few years
  • Note: although students in Medical Sciences 2 are assured admission to Year 3 BMSc if they satisfy certain conditions, no one admitted to Year 3 BMSc is guaranteed admission to a particular Honours Specialization module in Year 3 BMSc. Admission to Honours Specialization modules can be competitive - see the next FAQ.

How are students admitted to modules once they're admitted to Year 3 BMSc?

  • admission to Double Majors and Specialization modules is not limited
  • admission to each Honours Specialization module in Year 3 BMSc is limited - each of these modules has a maximum capacity
  • admission to a particular Honours Specialization module is not assured for any student who is admitted to Year 3 BMSc
  • Medical Sciences 2 students who satisfy the conditions for assured admission to Year 3 BMSc receive priority placement in the Honours Specialization modules, i.e. they're the first students admitted to the modules they requested during the ITR period
  • qualified students from the competitive pool who are admitted to Year 3 BMSc are admitted to Honours Specialization modules after the students in Medical Sciences 2 who satisfy the conditions for assured admission to Year 3 BMSc.

What is the minimum average required for admission to the various Honours Specialization modules?

A minimum average of 75% on the 2000-level courses listed in the Admission Requirements for each Honours Specialization module is the absolutely lowest average required to be admitted to an Honours Specialization module.

  • there isn't a pre-determined minimum average required to be admitted to any of the Honours Specialization modules
  • the maximum capacity of each module is the only thing that is pre-determined
  • the minimum average required to be admitted to a particular Honours Specialization module in any given year will be higher than 75% if more students ask for the module than there are spaces available in the module
  • if more students ask for the module than there are spaces available, the student with the highest average on the 2000-level Admission Requirements is admitted first and the other spaces are filled with descending averages until the module reaches its maximum capacity
  • the average on the 2000-level Admission Requirements of the last student admitted to each Honours Specialization module represents the minimum average required for admission to that module for that year
  • review the maximum capacity and minimum averages required to secure a spot in each Honours Specialization module for the past few years.

What would make a good Second Choice?

We recommend that you select a BMSc degree as your Second Choice for the following reasons:

  • if your First Choice is BMSc with an Honours Specialization and your Second Choice is BSc with a module(s) and you're eligible for Year 3 BMSc but the average on your 2000-level Admission Requirements wasn't high enough to secure you a spot in the Honours Specialization you requested, then we can't admit you to Year 3 BMSc! We have to send your adjudication form to the department offering your Second Choice
  • if you truly want to switch to a BSc degree if you don't get the Honours Specialization module in your First Choice, then go ahead and put down BSc as your Second Choice.
    • remember, however, that you MUST be registered in Year 3 BMSc to be allowed to move onto Year 4 BMSc
  • the more information you give us about the modules in which you'd like to register in Year 3, the better chance you have of ending up in a module or modules that provide you the best access to the courses we think you want to take to be able to apply for the module you really want in Year 4.
  • if your Second Choice is also BMSc and we find that you're not eligible to register in Year 3 BMSc, we'll send your adjudication form to the Academic advising Team to finalize the degree/module(s) in which you'll be registered for the next year.  We usually send our recommendation for the module(s) in which you should be registered in a BSc degree, e.g. Major in Medical Sciences + Major in Biology

If I fail a course in second year, can I still get into Year 3 BMSc?

No, failing a course in second year means that you will not be admitted to Year 3 BMSc.  You cannot repeat second year and re-apply to the BMSc Program - students have to be admitted to the BMSc Program directly after second year. 

I’m applying to Ivey for Year 3, do I still need to complete at ITR for BMSc?

You should submit an ITR for Year 3 BMSc in case you don't get admitted to the HBA program.  If you are admitted to HBA1 and want to complete the combined BMSc/HBA program, you will ask for this during HBA1.