Research Western
Funding Opportunites - Research
Further details regarding this announcement can be found at:

Grant Amount: $30M OVER 5 YEARS
Deadline: Dean's: Contact your Faculty Research Office for deadline details.
Internal: Nov 25, 2013
Sponsor's: Dec 02, 2013

Subject Areas:

The vision of the CCNA is to bring together the best of Canadian research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases affecting cognition -- supported by CIHR as well as by other partners -- in a collaborative and synergistic space to work on bold, innovative and transformative research that will ultimately impact the quality of life and the quality of services for those having to live with the effects of neurodegenerative diseases affecting cognition and their caregivers. The overarching goal of the CCNA is to bring together the relevant Canadian expertise in all aspects of neurodegenerative processes affecting cognition in aging in a collaborative manner to carry out an innovative and impactful research agenda.

In Phase II, one CCNA Full Proposal will be accepted following the First Partners' Forum. Although the Full Proposal will be evaluated as a single entity, it will be submitted under two different covers: a) One core proposal submitted by the CCNA NPA and b) Team projects submitted by each Team PAs.

Application Details: The CCNA will be led by a Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) who will be responsible for the oversight of the global CCNA research program, achieving the objectives of the CCNA, overseeing the governance and collaborative synergistic activities and ensuring the conditions to optimize the impact of research for the health of Canadians. Each of the three Themes will be led by a Theme Principal Applicant (Theme PA), who will be responsible for ensuring that the research program is carried out within each team and to provide opportunities for knowledge exchange and transfer within and across teams and the other themes. Theme PAs must report annually on their Theme's activities, in collaboration with the Nominated Principal Applicant. The Team Principal Applicant (Team PA) will receive the approved budget for research projects and will lead a specific multidisciplinary team within each Theme. Teams are strongly encouraged to be multidisciplinary, inter-institutional and include new investigators.Your Application must be submitted using ResearchNet. Scan and upload the signed signature pages including the routing slip in the Print/Upload Signature Pages task in ResearchNet prior to submitting your application. Note: Signatures must be uploaded for all applicants (Nominated Principal Applicant, Principal Applicant(s), co-Applicant, knowledge user(s)) and individual(s) with signing authority from the Institution Paid.
NOTE: All Letters of Intent and Full Applications must be processed through Research Development & Services for institutional approval. Requests for Institutional approvals should be received no less than 3 days prior to the posted Sponsor deadline. A ROLA Proposal (bearing applicant, Chair and Dean electronic approvals) is required for each submission.
Western Contacts:

Sponsor Contacts:

160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor
Address Locator 4809A
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada
613 941-2672