Research Western
Funding Opportunites - Research
Further details regarding this announcement can be found at:

Grant Amount: UP TO $400K FOR UP TO 3 YRS
Deadline: Dean's: Contact your Faculty Research Office for deadline details.
Internal: Oct 25, 2012
Sponsor's: Nov 01, 2012

Subject Areas: Infectious Diseases or Agents, Rehabilitation or Therapy, Environmental Influences, Early Child Development, Aboriginal Health, Children's Health, Physical Activity, Heart Diseases, Mental Health, Neurosciences, Public Health, Homelessness, Inflammation, Psychosocial, Health Care, Biomarkers, Metabolism, Addiction, Arthritis, Circadian, Infection, Nutrition, Diabetes, Immunity, Obesity, Aging, Sleep, Population Health, Knowledge Synthesis, Palliation, Respiratory Health, Circulatory, Musculoskeletal Health, Infection Control in Care Facilities

The intent of the Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI) program is to strengthen Canada's healthcare system through collaborative, applied and policy-relevant research. PHSI is Canada's premier health services and policy research competition ? and with its strong emphasis on partnerships and knowledge translation it is also a major resource for managers and policy makers who want relevant research to inform their decision-making. PHSI funds teams of decision makers and researchers to conduct applied health services and policy research. Because they participate throughout the research process the research results are more likely to be relevant to and used by decision makers. PHSI projects can last up to three years and receive up to a maximum of $400,000 from CIHR over the life of the project. Additional funding from external partners is required.

PHSI is what CIHR calls an "integrated KT" program that requires meaningful collaboration between researchers and health system decision makers likely to be able to make use of the results of the research. Decision makers are also involved with researchers in the merit review of PHSI proposals whereby the potential impact of the research on the health system, as well as scientific merit, are jointly assessed. Overall, PHSI focuses on partnerships to address Canadian health and health system challenges and to then move research into action for health and economic benefit.

Application Details:

CIHR's maximum contribution to each project is $350,000 (up from $150,000 in previous PHSI competitions) over the life of the project (up to three years). Applicants are required to find cash or in-kind support from partners in the amount of $150,000, or a minimum of 30 per cent of the total grant amount, over the life of the project. Partners must be named and identified. Contributions must be corroborated through letters of support.

Applicants interested in obtaining Competition Partner support are required to contact their potential competition partner to request supporting documentation no later than 17 Sept 2012. Please refer to specific requirements for each competition partner in the Sponsor guidelines. Your Application will be submitted using ResearchNet. Scan and upload the signed signature pages including the routing slip in the Print/Upload Signature Pages task in ResearchNet prior to submitting your application. When completing the application on ResearchNet, detailed instructions on the eApproval process are available in the "Electronic Approval tool for Research Institutions - Applicant's Guide" under the Project Details task.


NOTE: All Letters of Intent and Full Applications must be processed through Research Development & Services for institutional approval. Requests for Institutional approvals should be received no less than 3 days prior to the posted Sponsor deadline. A ROLA Proposal (bearing applicant, Chair and Dean electronic approvals) is required for each submission.
Western Contacts: Russelo,Theresa M

Sponsor Contacts:

160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor
Address Locator 4809A
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada
613 941-2672