Social Conflicts

Deer in conflict

How Does Selection Deal With Opposing Perspectives?

What happens when different individuals or different genes are forced to solve a social dilemma together? Do they ever come into conflict? Can selection resolve a conflict? If so, how? My research in this area addresses such questions.

I often examine conflict between parents and offspring, between migrants and natives, and between males and females. I also look at how these conflicts spill over to genetic level by devising models for strategic behaviour of alleles.

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Ubeda, F., Wild, G. 2023. Microchimerism as a source of information on future pregnancies. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 290:20231142 free download

Wild, G., Pizzari, T., West, S. A. 2011. Sexual conflict in viscous populations: the effect of the timing of dispersal. Theoretical Population Biology 80, 298-316. doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2011.09.002